100 turning points

  1. 1. George Washington ignites the French and Indian War
  2. 2. Minuteman fires the “Shot Heard Round the World” Lexington and Concord
  3. 4. Female Suffragists meet in Seneca Falls
  4. 5. Massachusetts Settler kills a Native American, Kings Phillips War begins
  5. 6. Supreme Court decides its Supremacy with Marbury vs. Madison
  6. 7. Andrew Jackson goes to battle over the Second Bank of the US
  7. 9. Erie Canal is Started
  8. 10. Bill of Rights Drafted
  9. 11. Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence
  10. 12. Samuel Morse Introduces the Telegraph
  11. 13. John C. Calhoun begins the Nullification Crisis
  12. 14. Indian Removal Act
  13. 15. Constitutional Convention and First State to Ratify
  1. 1. Boston Massacre and Trial
  2. 2. Jamestown Founded
  3. 3. Columbus Arrives in the “New World”
  4. 4. President Jefferson Purchases Louisiana from Napoleon
  5. 5. Mayflower Arrives
  6. 6. Victory at the Battle of Yorktown
  7. 7. Salem Witchcraft/Trial
  8. 8. Gold is Discovered in California
  9. 9. British Burn Washington
  10. 10. Tisquantum, Squanto Save the Pilgrims
  11. 12. Supreme Court decides Dredd Scott vs. Sandford
  12. 13. First African Slaves sold in America