1000 English Words 2 Unit 03 - Crossword

  1. 4. to make (5)
  2. 5. the side of a room (4)
  3. 7. a meal that is eaten outside (6)
  4. 8. clothes that cover the lower part of the body (5)
  5. 9. a child (3)
  6. 11. not in the place where you are expected, especially school or work (6)
  7. 13. a large stone (4)
  8. 14. to decide or make a choice (6)
  9. 16. a living thing that grows in the earth (5)
  10. 18. to say or do again (6)
  1. 1. the material that comes from trees (4)
  2. 2. to make art using paints (5)
  3. 3. to repair (3)
  4. 4. the place that is furthest from the front (4)
  5. 6. earth; ground (4)
  6. 8. an image or photograph of a person or a thing (7)
  7. 10. to make a picture with a pen or pencil (4)
  8. 12. a place to go to learn (6)
  9. 15. a large flow of water moving across land (5)
  10. 17. paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc. (3)