103 Winter 2015 Final

  1. 2. Name of the sea that shrank due to the Soviet Union diverting rivers to irrigate crops of cotton.
  2. 4. Migrant workers often send ____ to their families in their country of origin, and this financial input can make up a huge proportion of the GDP of these countries.
  3. 6. “Grey air” is another name for ____ smog.
  4. 7. The ____ energy yield is the amount of energy produced by a given source after accounting for energy used to extract, process and bring it to consumers.
  5. 9. Class of human-mad chemicals that are responsible for destroying ozone in the stratosphere.
  6. 10. A type of chemical reaction that is powered by the sun.
  7. 14. The number of oxygen atoms in a molecule of ozone.
  8. 15. The outermost layer of the atmosphere.
  9. 17. Dr. MacEwan’s first name.
  10. 18. Hydraulic fracturing is also known as ____.
  11. 21. Last name of the current Federal Minister of the Environment.
  12. 23. The V in VOC stands for ____.
  13. 24. Besides humans, this mammal is probably responsible for more biodiversity loss than any other organism.
  14. 25. Canadian design for nuclear reactors.
  1. 1. Last name of our Prime Minister.
  2. 3. This property of resource use ensures that the resource can be used indefinitely.
  3. 5. A word meaning “human-caused”.
  4. 8. Last name of the dictator who caused the largest oil spill in history.
  5. 11. Energy that is captured by harnessing the force of water is called ____ power.
  6. 12. Huge deposits of coal were formed by heating and compressing the remains of forests that grew and died during this geological time period.
  7. 13. Source of energy that humans use at a slower rate than it is replenished.
  8. 16. The function of this component of hydraulic fracturing fluid is to prop open small cracks in oil or gas-bearing rock formations to allow the fuel to flow into pipes and be pumped to the surface.
  9. 19. Name of the river that is the site of the world’s largest hydroelectric dam.
  10. 20. Heavier elements are formed within stars as a result of this nuclear reaction. Also a potentially limitless source of clean energy if it can be made to work.
  11. 22. The overexploitation of ____ capital underlies many of the environmental problems plaguing humanity today.