1053 Bible Test Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Who did the LORD tell to return to the land of his fathers?
  2. 5. Who raised Jesus on the third day?
  3. 7. What did God change Jacob's name to?
  4. 8. The LORD will show me the _____ of life.
  5. 13. After leaving Esau, Jacob built a house at _____.
  6. 14. Who was Esau the father of?
  7. 15. Who did Rachel die after giving birth to?
  1. 1. Who spoke and the Holy Ghost fell upon all who heard the Word?
  2. 2. Who met Jacob with 400 men?
  3. 4. Where was Rachel buried?
  4. 6. Who were first called Christians at Antioch?
  5. 9. Who did good and healed those who were oppressed of the devil?
  6. 10. Who did the disciples send help to in Judaea?
  7. 11. Whose whole house feared God and were saved?
  8. 12. The LORD saves those who put their _____ in Him.