10.6 Crossword Puzzle - Nervous System

  1. 2. Blood is dark red in the ________.
  2. 5. Muscular middle layer of the heart.
  3. 6. Small vein.
  4. 7. The ____ is the beat of the heart as felt through the walls of the arteries.
  5. 8. Blood is bright red in the _______.
  6. 9. The ________ artery is the only artery in the body that carried blood deficient in oxygen.
  7. 11. The _______ arteries supply blood to the head and neck.
  8. 12. The two lower chambers of the heart.
  9. 14. These prevent blackflow of blood in the veins and keep the blood moving in one direction.
  1. 1. The arteries, veins, and capillaries are three types of these.
  2. 3. All blood vessels are lined with this.
  3. 4. Medical combining form meaning artery.
  4. 8. Largest artery in the body.
  5. 10. Smaller branches of arteries.
  6. 13. Medical combining form meaning blue.