11-2 Neutrality to War (no spaces for 2 word answers)

  1. 3. Per Churchill, FDR was looking for an event that would allow the U.S. to act hostilely toward ___ .
  2. 4. Isolationists knew that attacks on U.S. ships brought America into ___ ___ 1 .
  3. 7. Soviets & British were at war with the ___ , so they received aid from the Lend-Lease Act.
  4. 8. Nye Committee Report documented the ___ that arms manufacturers made during WW 1.
  5. 13. Idea that trade between nations creates prosperity and prevents war, supported by Roosevelt.
  6. 14. 2,403 Americans killed, 180 aircraft destroyed, & several ships sunk, due to Japan’s ___ attack on Dec 7.
  7. 16. 1937 Neutrality Act did not apply since ___ did not declare war, so Roosevelt sold weapons to China.
  8. 18. Neutrality Act of 1937, nations must buy nonmilitary supplies on a ___ ___ ___ basis.
  9. 19. Germany and ___ declared war on the U.S., hoping for Japan’s support against the Soviet Union.
  10. 20. Despite negotiations, Japan planned to go to war with the U.S., per a message that U.S. intelligence ___ .
  11. 21. To slow Japan’s war effort, Roosevelt blocked the sale of strategic materials, like ___ & fuel .
  12. 22. Neutrality Act of 1936 made it illegal to make ___ to countries at war, which hurt Italy more than Abyssinia.
  1. 1. U.S. traded ships with Britain for the use of bases, & since there was no ___ , the Neutrality Act did not apply.
  2. 2. Roosevelt limited oil to Japan & sent MacArthur to the Philippines, because Japanese forces entered ___ .
  3. 5. Roosevelt’s shoot-on- sight policy toward German uboats led to Germany targeting 2 American ___ .
  4. 6. Rise of ___ caused the United States to support isolationism.
  5. 9. Based on Nye Committee, Neutrality Act of 1935 banned the sale of ___ to nations at war .
  6. 10. Despite the fear of Nazis & Fascism, the U.S. joined W.W. 2 due to the attack on ___ ___ .
  7. 11. U.S. wanted isolation because European nations said they could no longer pay their war ___ .
  8. 12. U.S. Officials did not think Japan would attack Pearl Harbor, because of the ___ .
  9. 15. Nye Committee said arms makers encouraged the U.S. to join W.W. 1, which led to U.S. ___ .
  10. 17. Neutrality Act of 1939 finally allowed sale of ___ , but only for cash and only if nation carried them away.