12 Legal Studies: Weeks 1-3 Revision

  1. 2. an example of a preliminary crime (10)
  2. 6. CCTV cameras are an example of this crime prevention strategy (11)
  3. 7. A national initiative to increase reporting of crime (13)
  4. 8. A category of homicide (11)
  5. 11. The physical action of a crime (5,4)
  6. 13. Crimes with a maximum sentence of more than two years imprisonment (10)
  7. 17. a theft offence requiring the use of force (7)
  8. 21. presiding judicial officer in Local Court (10)
  9. 22. the "test" applied to factual causation cases (3,3)
  10. 23. An attempt to incite the overthrow of a government (8)
  11. 24. intermediate level of intention (12)
  12. 25. defendant's name in famous 1930 case involving the poisoning of his own mother (5)
  13. 26. A category of crime that does not require intention to be proven (6,9)
  14. 27. a less serious type of crime, usually with maximum sentences of less than two years imprisonment (7,7)
  15. 30. standard of proof in criminal cases (6,10,5)
  1. 1. a term used for any improperly or illegally obtained evidence (12)
  2. 3. an event that breaks the chain of causation (5,5,12)
  3. 4. case where Jehovah's Witness victim refused a blood transfusion but defendant was found guilty of murder on grounds of factual causation (6)
  4. 5. The defendant in the 2013 nursing home fire case (4)
  5. 9. economic offence where defendant misappropriates money or property they have been entrusted with (12)
  6. 10. order Rioting/affray is an example of this category of crime (6,5)
  7. 12. Police are a part of this arm of government (9)
  8. 14. legal authority granted by courts to police to conduct certain operations (7)
  9. 15. the scientific study of criminal behaviour (11)
  10. 16. NSW legislation outlining many criminal offences (5,3)
  11. 18. the party that bears the burden of proof in criminal cases (11)
  12. 19. The necessary link required to be proven between a defendant's actions and the harm caused (9)
  13. 20. a party to a crime involved either before or after the fact (9)
  14. 28. The mental element of a crime (4,3)
  15. 29. a power granted to police to apprehend suspects (6)