1.2 Native American Crossword Puzzle - Ryan, Akshaj
- 2. A Native American statue believed to be a guardian or ancestor that watches over the people
- 6. Spanish word for village
- 7. A house or hut constructed from clay
- 8. Originates from the Inuit word for house
- 12. A Native American type of home consisting of poles as framework and walls made of sheets of bark
- 13. Legendary Mowhawk chief; Led the Iroquois Confederation
- 15. The first people to migrate to the Americas from Asia
- 17. Large group of territory ruled by a single leader or nation
- 18. Native Americans believed to be descendants of Ancestral Pueblos
- 19. Natives who lived in the Arctic region
- 20. An empire which was located near what is now Mexico and Central America
- 21. A group of indigenous hunter-gatherers that lived in current-day Ohio
- 22. An large advanced group of people, usually shares one culture
- 24. An empire originating from a village south of Cuzco
- 25. Reindeer
- 27. The capital of the Aztec Empire
- 1. A land bridge connecting Asia and North America during the ice age
- 2. A mound in which a dead body was placed along with gifts and belongings
- 3. Powerful Native tribe that controlled the Appalachian mountains
- 4. A house consisting of sticks, mud, grass and dirt
- 5. A mass movement to another location typically to seek safety, shelter, or food
- 9. A group of indigenous people who lived in western Alaska
- 10. A method of tracing your ancesetors through the mother's side of the family
- 11. Corn
- 14. A tribe that was located in present-day Canada; Fished for whales, seals and walruses
- 16. A type of agricultural method that uses the artificial application of water onto land
- 21. Ancestors of the Hopi- Also known as Ancestral Pueblos
- 23. A dry condition of land that typically lasts for a long period of time
- 26. The great empire that was based in Central Mexico
- 28. Cone shaped tent used by some Native American tribes and groups