  1. 1. a country that is governed by a president and politicians elected by the people and where there is no king or queen
  2. 4. a large aggressive animal with wings and a long tail, that can breathe out fire
  3. 5. an act of trying to do sth, especially sth difficult, often with no success
  4. 7. the structure that covers or forms the top of a building or vehicle
  5. 9. to move data to a smaller computer system from a larger one
  6. 12. a large building with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top. The ancient Egyptians built stone ones as places to bury their kings and queens.
  7. 13. a piece of special flat glass that reflects images, so that you can see yourself when you look in it
  8. 14. a way out of a public building or vehicle
  1. 2. a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place
  2. 3. a public celebration of a special day or event, usually with bands in the streets and decorated vehicles. a formal occasion when soldiers march or stand in lines so that they can be examined by their officers or other important people
  3. 6. showing that sb is well trained and extremely skilled
  4. 8. important, enjoyable, interesting, etc.// worth spending time, money or effort on
  5. 10. the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects found in the ground
  6. 11. a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed to lie on or lie under // a piece of paper for writing or printing on, etc. usually in a standard size
  7. 12. a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result