
  1. 3. Pioneering trumpet player and bandleader
  2. 4. Owner of GM in the 1920s
  3. 6. An author in the 1920s
  4. 10. An American folklorist, anthropologist, and author during the time of the Harlem Renaissance
  5. 11. Prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages
  6. 13. Flagpole sitting, marathon dances, crossword games, radio, jazz, and etc.
  7. 15. Attorney General of the United States from 1919 to 1921
  8. 16. The right for woment to vote
  9. 17. Creater of assembly line
  10. 19. Someone who makes, sells or smuggles liquor
  11. 21. A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, esp. the political affairs of other countries.
  12. 24. A famous trial of a teacher who was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act
  13. 26. Art and Literature in blacks community in 1920s
  14. 29. Most impact of any household appliance
  15. 31. An act to carry the 18th Amendment
  16. 35. Jazz composer and Piano Player
  17. 36. Industrial Workers of the World
  18. 37. American Artist
  1. 1. Old fashion term for country music
  2. 2. Repealed 18th amendment
  3. 5. United States writer
  4. 7. Famous baseball player and hero in 1920s
  5. 8. The plan to make payments by Installment
  6. 9. National Association for the Advancements of Colored People
  7. 12. A bribery incident that took place from 1920-1923 when Harding was President
  8. 14. The movement of African Americans from the southern portion of the United States to the Northern and Western parts
  9. 15. The prevention by law of the manufacture and sale of alcohol, esp. in the US between 1920 and 1933.
  10. 18. First Pilot who flew across the Atlantic Ocean with out stopping in 1927
  11. 20. A fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior.
  12. 22. Teacher in Tennessee who violated state law by teaching evolution
  13. 23. United States gangster
  14. 25. Communists that were living in the U.S.
  15. 26. 29th President of the United States
  16. 27. An illicit night club or liquor store
  17. 28. Popular music including saxophones, trumpets, flutes, and etc.
  18. 30. Executive for the NAACP
  19. 32. United States Blues Singer
  20. 33. The policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.
  21. 34. 30th President of the United States
  22. 38. A racist group of people who attacked blacks