
  1. 5. The Korean War ended in a ______
  2. 7. The ____ War lasted from 1945 - 1991
  3. 8. Americans tried to combat ______ in their country by screening government employees for loyalty, using the HUAC to expose people, and blacklisting suspects of communism
  4. 9. The effect the Red Scare/ McCarthyism had on society was that it caused widespread _____
  5. 10. The Cold War was a war of ideas between _____ & communism
  6. 14. Towards the end of WWII, Allied Powers met to discuss how to split _______ into 4 sections
  7. 18. An American ideology is ____
  8. 19. The Soviet Union & its Satellite States formed the _________
  9. 22. The ______ Plan sent over $12 billion to European countries to rebuild after WWII & resist communism
  10. 23. The 2 superpowers at the end of WWII were the U.S & the __________
  11. 24. ________ affected the Red Scare by making exaggerated, untrue claims about communists in America
  12. 26. Both the Soviets & U.S participated in the Korean War, but never physically fought, so for them it is considered a ______ war
  13. 27. A Soviet ideology is _______
  14. 28. The U.S got ____ in the Korean War because they followed the policy of containment
  15. 29. The __________ is how the Allied Powers got resources to West Berlin
  1. 1. ______ attempted to force West Berlin to become communist by cutting off their power/ water & food supply
  2. 2. During the _____ Americans were fearful of communists
  3. 3. The Soviet Union & U.S indirectly competed during the Cold War by trying to develop the most powerful _____ weapons, more weapons that the other, & by being the first to outer space
  4. 4. ______ is the tactic of accusing people of being communists with no evidence
  5. 6. The ______ War began when North Korea invaded South Korea
  6. 11. When ____ entered the Korean War, they pushed anti - communist forces rapidly back into South Korea
  7. 12. Truman's policy that offered U.S military to any country trying to resist communism is known as Truman _____
  8. 13. Both the Soviet Union & the ______ controlled a section of Germany after WWII
  9. 15. In the Cold War, the U.S & Soviets didn't use their atomic weapons because they know the other side would strike back. This is called Mutually Assured Destruction, or ____
  10. 16. ____, France, and the U.S were all members of NATO
  11. 17. General ____ was fired as the U.S military commander because he advocated for the use of atomic weapons
  12. 20. ____ was formed to defend western European democracies from the Soviet Union
  13. 21. The U.S ____ to stop the spread of communism was called containment
  14. 25. The Marshall Plan & Truman Doctrine were both a part of _________