1950s Unit Review

  1. 3. McCarthyism was an idea to expose suspected __________________ in the U.S. in the 1950s.
  2. 4. A two-decade explosion of children being born after World War II is known as the ________________________.
  3. 5. Who condemned Rock N' Roll music and beats as destructive to society in the 1950s?
  4. 7. This unit we are learning about the Nineteen-____________________.
  5. 11. This bill gave WWII vets the ability to attend college, buy a home, & feel more secure to start families.
  6. 14. The _________________ War took place from 1950-1953 and the United States stepped in to help the South.
  7. 15. ___________________ v. Board of Education ruled to desegregate schools based on race.
  8. 17. These were convenient meals which were made for having a hearty meal in front of the tv.
  9. 18. Commander of the U.S. forces during the Korean War.
  10. 23. President who signed Alaska & Hawaii into becoming U.S. states.
  11. 25. A federal program which provides benefits to retired people.
  12. 26. This is short for "Government Issued."
  13. 27. The 50th State to the U.S.
  1. 1. The name of large suburbs built during the 1950s.
  2. 2. Musical genre that Elvis Presley is known as the "King of..."
  3. 6. This group of people became known to rebel during the 1950s.
  4. 8. President Dwight Eisenhower's nickname.
  5. 9. This president chose to drop the 1st atomic bomb used in the world on Japan.
  6. 10. The 49th State to the U.S.
  7. 12. An outlying residential area of a city.
  8. 13. Last name of the man who was the most famous example of teen rebellion in the 1950s.
  9. 16. Last name of the man lost 2 presidential elections to Eisenhower.
  10. 19. Series of workers & machines which work in succession of each other.
  11. 20. This man was the projected winner of the presidency in 1948, but actually didn't win.
  12. 21. Taking off your shoes and dancing during a school dance in the 1950s was known as this.
  13. 22. What was by far the biggest technological marvel of the 1950s?
  14. 24. __________________ v. Ferguson built the phrase "separate but equal."