  1. 1. Group frenzy against the Brotherhood; Two Minutes of ______
  2. 3. Its aim is to use products but not raise standard of living
  3. 5. This is not allowed by the Party
  4. 9. Contains the history of the Party & the Brotherhood; the _____
  5. 10. Language that is gradually being replaced
  6. 13. Winston and Julia meet in its upstairs room; a ____ shop
  7. 14. Responsible for news, entertainment, education, arts; Ministry of ____
  8. 15. Responsible for war related events; Ministry of ____
  9. 17. Conspirator group against the Party: The ____
  10. 19. "B" vocabulary consists of words used for _____ purposes
  11. 20. Common ____ was the heresy of heresies
  12. 21. Author of 1984
  13. 22. People who are taught at school to spy on parents and others
  14. 27. Winston knew 2+2=4 was ____
  15. 28. Language that narrows the range of thought
  16. 30. Writing the 11th Edition of the Newspeak dictionary is _____'s job
  17. 31. Superstate ruled by the Party
  18. 32. He doesn't believe in the Party doctrine
  1. 2. Real concept of warfare from the 1960's connected to the novel; ____ war
  2. 3. "A" vocabulary consists of everyday ___
  3. 4. Only hope for the revolution may be them
  4. 6. Enemy superstate as the novel opens
  5. 7. Re-educated Winston; wrote part of The Book
  6. 8. Head of the Party: Big ____
  7. 11. Winston bought it; it is destroyed when he is captured
  8. 12. Big Brother is ____ you
  9. 16. Enemy of the people; image used to create hatred; Emmanuel ____
  10. 18. April 4, 1984 is the day Winston starts his ____
  11. 19. Responsible for economic control by the Party; Ministry of ____
  12. 23. Maintains law and order; Ministry of ____
  13. 24. Winston's main fear and eventually his breaking point
  14. 25. Winston's diary entry: ____ with Big Brother
  15. 26. He is denounced by his daughter
  16. 29. Hates the Party, but participates enthusiastically
  17. 33. English socialism; philosophy of the Party
  18. 34. Rewriting and distorting history was ____'s job