1st Semester Vocab review project

  1. 3. Man who assassinated Abraham lincoln.
  2. 5. The North American conflict in a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France are known as the Seven Years' War.
  3. 6. An amendment to the United States Constitution that gave all persons who were born in the United States to have citizenship in the United States.
  4. 8. Third president of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence.
  5. 10. A person who sought to abolish slavery during the 19th century.
  6. 12. A huge land deal between the United States and France.
  7. 18. An amendment to the United States Constitution that protects the voting rights of all citizens, regardless of race or color.
  8. 21. An idea that the United States had. A god-given right to take over every part of Northern American.
  9. 23. 5 men were appointed by Continental Congress to write to the King the grievances and reason for Independence.
  10. 24. All Legal documents and printed papers used have to be stamped.
  11. 26. Patriots dressed as natives to dump over 342 chests of tea.
  12. 28. Protects freedom.
  13. 29. Native Americans were marched over 1,200 miles of land. Over 4,000 died.
  14. 30. Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
  1. 1. A form of government in which the people elect or choose their leaders.
  2. 2. A form of government where all laws are created by a general vote of society.
  3. 4. Ruled Great Britain during the American Revolution.
  4. 7. an order issued by President Lincoln in 1862 to free the slaves, effective January 1, 1863.
  5. 9. An agency created by the government that helped and protected newly freed African Americans to find jobs, homes, education, and a better life.
  6. 11. An amendment to the United States Constitution that abolished slavery.
  7. 13. A country attempts to mass wealth through trade with other countries.
  8. 14. First railroad built that crosses the Atlantic to Pacific ocean.
  9. 15. Americans could not settle in or buy any land in the west of the Appalachian mountains.
  10. 16. 675 U.S. troops made a surprise attack on a surrendered Cheyenne Indian Camp.
  11. 17. Conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848.
  12. 19. A abolitionist who escaped slavery. Became a leader in the abolitionist movement.
  13. 20. 1st President of the United States.
  14. 22. Tax on sugar, molasses, coffee, and indigo.
  15. 25. A large area of land where crops are grown and harvested.
  16. 27. A trail used by American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west.