2-3 Scientific Method (no spaces 2-word answers)

  1. 1. ___ ___ means the participant changes because of their belief, not because of treatment
  2. 4. The ___ group is NOT exposed to the independent variable
  3. 6. We use the Scientific Method because it produces results that are ____
  4. 7. Step three involves creating a ___, or a testable statement of relationship between two variables
  5. 14. ___ ___ means the participant does not know who gets treatment
  6. 15. Self-fulfilling prophecy means the researcher influences the ____
  7. 18. Step one of the scientific method starts with this
  8. 19. We use the Scientific Method because its results have no ___ ___ .
  9. 20. Step four is ___ ___ by separating participants into two groups and then conducting an experiment.
  1. 2. The scientific method does not pursue popularity or money, it pursues ____
  2. 3. ___ ___ means the researcher AND participant do not know who gets treatment
  3. 5. Step seven is ___ ___ , or summarize your experiment & results
  4. 8. The ___ group is exposed to the independent variable
  5. 9. This type of research uses surveys, field research, and secondary analysis
  6. 10. Variables must be ____ , or the experiment will not work.
  7. 11. Step six is ___ ___ , in order to determine if there is a relationship between the variables
  8. 12. Step two of the scientific method involves doing this
  9. 13. How do we place participants into groups? So the results do not reflect the participant’s characteristics?
  10. 16. This type of research uses the scientific method
  11. 17. The ___ ___ produces the most accurate research results