200 Test 1 Vitals/ Development
- 2. Age group 65-120 bpm awake, 16-22 RR, temp 36-38.5, females 93-103/ 58-61 BP, males 95-104/ 57-62 BP
- 5. Consists of beliefs, attitudes, and social interactions
- 8. Person who proposed many of the earliest theories about personality development
- 11. Age group 80-140 bpm awake, 20-40 RR, temp 36-37.5, females 85-91/ 43-47 BP, males 84-92/ 39-44 BP
- 12. Age group 60-100 bpm, 12-20 RR, temp 36-38.5, females 107-113/ 64-67 BP, males 109-117/ 61-66 BP
- 14. Age group 60-100 bpm, 12-20 RR, temp 36-38.5, less than 120 and less than 80 BP
- 15. Age group 80-120 bpm awake, 20-35 RR, temp 36-38.5, females 88-94/ 50-54 BP, males 88-97/ 47-52 BP
- 1. Acronym for data arranged according to patient problems rather than source of information
- 3. Acronym used to keep track of patient medication information
- 4. Erikson had _ stages of development
- 6. Age group 60-100 bpm, 15-20 RR, temp 36-38.5, less than 120 and less than 80 BP
- 7. Age group 100-160 bpm awake, 30-60 RR, axillary temp 36.5-37.4, 50-70/ 30-45 BP
- 9. Acronym for data that can be created, managed, and consulted by healthcare staff within the same agency
- 10. Age group 90-160 bpm awake, 30-60 RR, axillary temp 36.5- 37.5, females 83-90/ 38-42 BP, males 80-89/ 34/39 BP
- 13. Person who said life is sequence of developmental stages or levels of achievement