2000-5 Metabolism, diabetes, obesity

  1. 4. Organic compounds that act as catalyists in various chemical reactions, and whose deficiency results in disease.
  2. 7. ____ insulins are intermediate, long, or ultra-long acting insulins used to maintain fasting blood glucose levels.
  3. 9. Insulin ____ occurs when body cells reduce their numbers of insulin receptors or glucose transport molecules.
  4. 10. A1C; indicates average glycemic levels over the past 3 months.
  5. 11. This compensatory mechanism of hyperglycemia reduces blood vessel elasticity.
  6. 13. Pancreatic cells which synthesize, store, and secrete insulin.
  7. 16. This result of hyperglycemia increases the risk of UTIs.
  8. 18. Macronutrient which is the most concentrated energy source.
  9. 22. Morning hyperglycemia resulting from bodily hormone changes overnight is known as the ____ phenomenon.
  10. 23. Chemical reactions resulting in the breakdown of larger molecules into smaller molecules. End with "-lysis."
  11. 25. Pear-shaped obesity with a lower risk of serious health complications.
  12. 26. Intermediary compound from which carbs, fats, and proteins are transformed to allow energy storage in cells (abbrev).
  13. 27. The ____ effect refers to morning hyperglycemia as a result of night time hypoglycemia or insulin before bed.
  14. 29. Insulin, physical activity, and exercise are factors which ____ blood glucose.
  15. 30. ____ theory posits that body weight remains relatively stable despite acute fluctuations in caloric intake.
  16. 34. Chemical reactions resulting in the synthesis of larger molecules from smaller molecules. End in "-genesis."
  17. 36. Damage to a blood vessel; consequence of chronic hyperglycemia.
  18. 38. In type 1 diabetes, there is ___ insulin deficiency.
  19. 39. Hypoglycemia may be caused by malnutrition, adverse medication reactions, or excess ____.
  20. 41. Macronutrient required for growth and maintenance of body tissues, enzyme and antibody formation, fluid and electrolyte balance, and nutrient transport.
  21. 42. Placental hormones may produce insulin resistance, resulting in ____ diabetes.
  22. 43. Glucagon, food intake, and stress are factors which ___ blood glucose.
  23. 45. Signs & symptoms of this include polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, fatgiue, Kussmaul breathing, weight loss, and slow wound healing.
  1. 1. Dysfunction of fatty tissues resulting in inflammatory changes; possible consequence of obesity.
  2. 2. Type of tissue that stores over 90% of the body's energy.
  3. 3. The mobilization of free fatty acids for glucose production results in the production of these.
  4. 5. Anabolic pancreatic hormone.
  5. 6. ___ hormones stimulate the appetite to promote eating.
  6. 8. These medications decrease sympathetic response, resulting in the masking of hypoglycemic events in diabetic patients.
  7. 12. Medication that lowers blood glucose levels without causing hypoglycemia, but increases the risk of lactic acidosis.
  8. 14. Medication which improves insulin binding to receptors and increases the number of receptors, but is not suitable for type 1 diabetes.
  9. 15. Signs & symptoms of this include reduced cognition, tremors, diaphoresis, weakness, hunger, headache, irritability, and seizures.
  10. 17. Amount of energy needed to raise temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C
  11. 19. ____ insulins are rapid or short-acting insulins given before meals.
  12. 20. Cholecystokinin, somatostatin, and leptin are hormones which promote ____.
  13. 21. Macronutrient which is the body's primary source of energy.
  14. 24. weight (kg) / height2 (m)
  15. 28. Catabolic pancreatic hormone.
  16. 31. Polyuria occurs with elevated blood glucose due to the ____ nature of glucose.
  17. 32. Stress hormone which elevates blood glucose.
  18. 33. Hormone secreted by the stomach when empty, causing hunger.
  19. 34. Apple-shaped obesity that has a greater risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
  20. 35. ____ metabolism accounts for approximately 60% of daily energy use and is regulated primarily by thyroid hormone.
  21. 37. The number of fast-acting carbohydrates used during a hypoglycemia protocol.
  22. 39. All type 1 diabetic patients are dependent on ____ insulin replacement.
  23. 40. In type 2 diabetes, there is ____ insulin deficiency.
  24. 44. Yearly eye exams for diabetic patients are recommended in order to detect this common complication.