2015 Contaminants Crossword Final Test

  1. 3. Area of land that catches precipitation and drains into surface water bodies.
  2. 5. Layer of porous substrate that contains and transmits groundwater.
  3. 7. A wall constructed using plant material that naturally filters indoor air pollutants.
  4. 11. Occur in dry soil; a type of preferential pathway where water/contaminant infiltrates with gravity but doesn’t infiltrate evenly thus creating finger like patterns.
  5. 12. Process where there is no transfer of heat or energy across an air parcels boundaries.
  6. 13. Variation in amount of contaminant in soils due to spatial differences in contaminant release.
  7. 14. Top of area in soil profile that is saturated with groundwater.
  8. 15. Treatment systems that use natural processes involving wetland vegetation, soils, and microbial populations to improve water quality.
  9. 16. Ease of movement through soil or rock pore spaces.
  10. 19. Process distributing contaminant, elongating it as it moves downstream because water at the center of the river moves faster related to friction at river bottom and riverbanks.
  11. 21. Large pore spaces in soil; a type of preferential pathway that allows easy movement of water and air.
  12. 23. Potentially contaminated land due to historical industrial and commercial land uses.
  13. 24. A phased approach to evaluate environmental conditions at a brownfield site.
  14. 26. Remediation technique where the environmental medium is left in place and remediated.
  15. 27. A report completed by a qualified person and filed on the Environmental Site Registry that documents the results of one or more environmental site assessments.
  16. 28. Cells of atmospheric circulation related to heat being transported to the poles.
  17. 29. System that is man-made or largely controlled by anthropogenic activities.
  18. 30. Air pollution containing gases and aerosol particles that results in poor air quality and reduced visibility.
  19. 31. An innovative approach to land development mimicking the natural movement of water in order to manage stormwater.
  20. 33. Describes how easily surface or groundwater can become polluted.
  21. 37. Step in the Environmental Site Assessment process that is focused on a high-level, preliminary assessment of a site based on background research.
  22. 39. Condition in the atmosphere where temperature increases with elevation.
  23. 40. A subsurface drainage system used to remove excess water from agricultural fields.
  24. 42. Particles that spend the majority of their time on the river bottom.
  25. 43. A scientific examination of the nature and magnitude of contamination risk.
  26. 44. Amount of time water stays in a lake based on volume and water loss.
  27. 46. Variation in amount of contaminant in soils often due to temporal differences in contaminant release.
  1. 1. Difference in hydraulic head between two points such that water flows from high hydraulic head to low hydraulic head.
  2. 2. Measures used to help achieve target levels of risk that are equal to site condition standards.
  3. 4. Diagram providing a visualization of groundwater flow based on lines of equal hydraulic head.
  4. 6. Remediation technique where the environmental medium is removed from the site and remediated.
  5. 7. Point where water vapor in air begins to condense forming clouds.
  6. 8. Designation of the individual who can complete an Environmental Site Assessment (based on profession, education, and experience).
  7. 9. Standards based on property type that identifies that maximum allowable concentration of contaminants in soil and water on a property.
  8. 10. Lapse rate describing the rate an air parcel cools as it rises.
  9. 16. Height of the water table.
  10. 17. Type of aquifer where water can flow directly between the soil surface and an aquifer.
  11. 18. The use of various techniques to reduce or eliminate a contaminant.
  12. 20. Circular motion of water when water passes an obstacle and water move contrary to direction of the main current.
  13. 22. Activities used to mitigate or prevent environmental issues.
  14. 25. Describes how quickly water moves vertically through the soil profile from the soil surface to an aquifer.
  15. 32. Defined, self-contained body of air.
  16. 34. Lapse rate describing the rate of temperature decrease with increased elevation.
  17. 35. Type of aquifer where an impermeable layer of rock or substrate restricts movement through soils above an aquifer.
  18. 36. Capture zone describing how quickly water moves horizontally through the aquifer to the well or from upstream to downstream in surface water bodies.
  19. 38. Type of infrastructure that uses natural elements or ecosystem features as components of design and development.
  20. 41. Step in the Environmental Site Assessment process that involves a detailed investigation and assessment of a property to determine the type and extent of contamination.
  21. 45. Probability that a contaminant will cause human or environmental harm.