Y11 B2 Quiz - Can you beat Miss Crewe's time of 11 mins 13 secs?

  1. 2. The type of neurone in a reflex arc
  2. 4. Where hormones are released INTO
  3. 7. Effector organs can be muscles or _______
  4. 9. What do spermicide agents kill?
  5. 10. The body system that involves hormones
  6. 12. A sperm or egg cell
  7. 13. You only need one copy of this allele to inherit a characteristic
  8. 15. Where are egg cells released from?
  9. 16. The hormone that lowers blood glucose levels
  1. 1. A section of DNA that codes for a protein
  2. 3. A form of a gene
  3. 5. The menstrual lasts for 28 ____
  4. 6. The hormone that increases blood glucose levels
  5. 8. Where hormones are released FROM
  6. 9. The CNS is made of the brain and__________
  7. 11. What people can do to treat type 2 diabetes
  8. 14. The body system that involves neurons