ClassCraft Crossword

  1. 4. used to make tool in the paleolithic age
  2. 6. Helped hunter gathers to cook food
  3. 8. period of colder global temperature.
  4. 9. People first lived
  5. 10. important for a characteristic of a civilization
  6. 11. first permanent settlements were in this area.
  7. 14. Complex human society
  1. 1. connection between two land mass in prehistoric times.
  2. 2. old stone age
  3. 3. cave people
  4. 5. development of first farming
  5. 7. water sources
  6. 11. new farming techniques lead to surpluses of
  7. 12. once people started farming they didn’t move around as much
  8. 13. used to communicate with others.