
  1. 3. SI unit used to measure electric current
  2. 6. made up of two or more different substances
  3. 7. measure of the amount of matter contained in a given volume
  4. 9. unit of measurement for temperature used most commonly in the United States
  5. 12. numbers are either defined numbers or result of a count
  6. 13. properties that can be measured or observed without changing the chemical nature of the substance
  7. 16. method for separating dissolved substances from one another. It is often used when the dissolved substances are coloured, such as inks, food colourings and plant dye
  8. 19. particles are packed tightly together
  9. 22. refers to whether a compound will react with water or air
  10. 24. if a substance does not dissolve
  11. 26. if a substance can be dissolved
  12. 27. chemical substance that is made up of a particular kind of atom
  13. 29. consists of highly charged particles
  14. 30. example of physical property (2)
  15. 31. degree of closeness between measurements of a quantity and that quantity’s actual (true) value
  16. 33. example of physical property
  17. 35. measure of cold or heat, often measurable with a thermometer
  18. 38. SI unit for measuring large quantities of very small entities such as atoms, molecules, or other specified particles
  19. 39. study of chemical processes that occur inside of living organisms
  20. 41. particles are more loosely packed
  21. 42. digits that carry meaning in a number and contribute to its precision
  22. 43. mixture of two or more chemical substances where the different components cannot be visually distinguished
  1. 1. refers to whether a compound will burn when exposed to flame
  2. 2. temperature at which a substance melts
  3. 4. inaccuracy caused by flaws in an instrument
  4. 5. method for separating a liquid from a mixture of two or more liquids
  5. 8. SI unit for distance
  6. 10. SI unit for time
  7. 11. particles have a great deal of space
  8. 13. Study that applies physics
  9. 14. composed of pure elements
  10. 15. series of units that is accepted and used throughout the scientific world
  11. 17. pure substances made up of atoms of different elements connected together in a fixed ratio, forming a molecule
  12. 18. study of the chemistry of matter
  13. 20. temperature at which a substance boils
  14. 21. SI unit for mass
  15. 23. SI unit for temperature
  16. 25. method for seperating an insoluble solid from a liquid that uses heat
  17. 28. method for separating an insoluble solid from a liquid that uses filter paper
  18. 32. measuring that property must lead to a change in the substance’s chemical structure
  19. 34. mixture of two or more chemical substances where the different components can be visually distinguished and easily separated by physical means
  20. 36. Study of the chemistry of life
  21. 37. also called reproducibility or repeatability, it is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results
  22. 40. Study of compounds