
  1. 2. In the past, this was the only traditional dance allowed to be performed in or near a mosque.
  2. 5. To change the pitch of the rebana ibu in rebana dikir barat, you press this part of your body against the drum.
  3. 6. The serunai comes in two sizes – ibu (mother) and anak (child). Which one is the bigger one?
  4. 7. The lyrics in this music form from Johor usually contain messages of good conduct and advice.
  1. 1. This dance-drama form was performed as royal theatre with the support of the Kelantan Sultanate until the 1920s.
  2. 3. In Indonesia, this instrument provided the music needed for kuda kepang performances, a hobby-horse trance dancing ritual.
  3. 4. This musical instrument comes with either 2 or 3 strings and is played with a bow.