
  1. 3. Good to throw on the fire
  2. 9. Gathering food from the fields
  3. 10. Head warmer
  4. 14. Delicious roast often served at events
  5. 17. migratory bird
  6. 18. What you use to tidy the garden after the leaves fall.
  7. 19. Warm indoor footwear
  8. 21. You need these when puddles appear
  9. 22. Use to make gin
  10. 24. Fruit or veg
  11. 25. Month
  12. 29. Go to sleep until spring
  13. 30. Great outdoor contests rely on these.
  14. 32. Keeps you warm
  15. 33. Make it while the sun shines!
  16. 34. One way to dispose of dead leaves.
  17. 35. Mycelium forming fairy circles
  18. 38. Goes back in October
  19. 39. Large squash associated with Halloween
  20. 40. Lies on the ground in early morning
  21. 42. What we gain when the clocks go back
  22. 43. like a thorn
  23. 45. Strange
  24. 46. A spidery creation
  25. 47. a game or fire starter
  26. 49. Get the field ready for a crop
  27. 51. tasty and juicy autumn fruit
  1. 1. The coldest wind direction
  2. 2. Delicious, baked with dried fruit
  3. 4. Month
  4. 5. Colour of leaves
  5. 6. Tasty root veg
  6. 7. We burn them in memory of Mr Fawkes
  7. 8. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
  8. 11. Starts to fall during Autumn
  9. 12. American name for season
  10. 13. A warming snack or meal
  11. 15. I agree
  12. 16. Tool to get rid of weeds
  13. 19. What happens to the length of Autumn days
  14. 20. Frozen water
  15. 23. We feel this in the air
  16. 26. Colour of leaves
  17. 27. Colour of leaves
  18. 28. What happens to the length of Autumn nights
  19. 31. We need it but we usually moan about it!
  20. 32. Is it still to early to mention this?
  21. 34. Now is the time to plant these for a colourful display in spring
  22. 36. The sound of walking through fallen leaves
  23. 37. When it’s thick it makes driving dangerous
  24. 40. hand warmers
  25. 41. Used to make an apple treat
  26. 44. Delicious baked or mashed
  27. 48. They love to come indoors
  28. 50. Poor chap usually gets burned