Asian Geography

  1. 4. the Gulf of _____________ is connected to the Red Sea and the Arabian sea
  2. 6. if you sail west from India to Myanmar, you are crossing the ____________________
  3. 9. the ___________________ Sea borders Turkey and is connected to the Red Sea
  4. 10. the country which contains the Huang He and Yangtze Rivers
  5. 11. the largest country in terms of land size
  6. 13. a geographical region in northern China and Mongolia
  7. 16. the Himalayan mountain range spans over India China and ________________
  8. 17. a country in southeast Asia which is split into a peninsular section and an island section
  9. 18. an island nation off the coast of India
  10. 20. the ________________ Mountains separate the European and Asian parts of Russia
  11. 21. the _____________ Mountains stretching between the Black and Caspian Seas
  1. 1. an ocean which contains the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal
  2. 2. a peninsula in Turkey which borders the Mediterranean and Black Seas
  3. 3. the __________ ocean contains the Sea of Japan, East China Sea, and South China Sea
  4. 5. archipelago nation north of the East China Sea
  5. 7. body of water north of Russia
  6. 8. the __________ peninsula is bordered by the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf
  7. 9. a country located north of China and south of Russia
  8. 12. if you were to travel from China, to Nepal, to India you would cross the _____________
  9. 14. _____________ borders Laos, Cambodia, and the South China Sea
  10. 15. the Euphrates River is located _____________ of the Tigris River
  11. 19. the mouth of the ________________ is in Pakistan