Innovation Management - Dominant Design

  1. 3. / _________________ externalities is another source of increasing returns to adoption.
  2. 4. / in 1998 the European Union adopted a single wireless technological standard for mobile communications, known as _________
  3. 9. / ____________ goods are additional goods and services that enable or enhance the value of another good. e.g peripheral devices for video games.
  4. 11. / the ability of an organisation to recognise, assimilate, and utilise new technologies is known as _____________ capacity
  5. 13. / when regulations imposes a single standard on an industry, the technology embodied in that standard _____________ the other technology options available to the industry.
  6. 14. / in some industries, the consumer welfare benefits of having compatibility among technologies have prompted ___________ regulation, and thus a legally induced adherence to a dominant design.
  7. 15. / learning effects is manifest in the impact of cumulative production on cost and productivity - otherwise known as the ___________ curve.
  1. 1. / Many industries experience strong pressure to select a single (or few) ___________ design(s).
  2. 2. / As a technology becomes more widely adopted ________________ assets are often developed that are specialised to operate with the technology.
  3. 5. / a firm that is able to lock in its technology as the dominant design of the market can reap to benefits similar to that of a _______________ and are also called winner-take-all markets
  4. 6. / ____________________ technologies then exhibit increasing returns to adoption, meaning, the more they are used, the more they are improved.
  5. 7. / ___________ base is the number of users of a particular good/product/technology.
  6. 8. / ____________ effects in one of the primary sources of increasing returns to adoption.
  7. 10. / ________ dependency is when end results depend greatly on the events that took place leading up to the outcome.
  8. 12. / network externalities are also known as _______________ consumption externalities occurs when the value of a good/product/technology to a user increases with the number of other users of the same or similar good. e.g the more users on a mobile network the wider the reach the greater the value of the network.