The Good Samaritan

  1. 2. Samaritans were a group of people that were _______ by Jews (Hint: What’s a word to describe that the Jews disliked the Samaritans?)
  2. 3. Which of the 3 men showed kindness to the man – number one, two or three?
  3. 5. Jesus says your need to love your __________ as yourself.
  4. 7. A priest saw the injured man by the side of the road, did he HELP him or WALK away? (Help or Walk?)
  5. 8. what is the word for stories that Jesus told to teach lessons?
  6. 11. The Samaritan gave the innkeeper something to help the man. What did the Samaritan give him?
  1. 1. One man showed kindness to the man. Jesus tells us: "Now go and _____________." (3 words)
  2. 4. When a second man encountered the injured man, did help the man? (Yes or No?)
  3. 6. After seeing the injured man, the Samaritan _____ the man. (What did he do to the man?)
  4. 9. When the Jewish man was traveling, he was ________ by bandits. What did the bandits do to him?
  5. 10. Where did the Samaritan take the man?