Merry Christmas Clues

  1. 2. organization to protect natural resources
  2. 6. preservation and protection of something
  3. 8. org of persons with common interest
  4. 11. institution in Jacksonville displaying art
  5. 13. the opposite of Sea
  6. 14. grassy area in NYC called "Central..."
  7. 15. a common article of speech
  8. 16. force in the universe "Mother.."
  9. 17. opposite of offense
  10. 19. many grassy areas like the one in NYC
  11. 20. organization established by an endowment
  1. 1. a major city in North Florida
  2. 3. inborn innate "of nature"
  3. 4. the opposite of South
  4. 5. a state in two time zones
  5. 7. group appointed as an advisory body
  6. 9. relating to a nation
  7. 10. available supply or sources eg water coal
  8. 12. "in God we... "
  9. 18. a major work by Beethoven or Mozart