
  1. 2. The triangle button at the bottom of the screen
  2. 3. When you turn on your phone the first picture(screen) you see
  3. 5. A search engine
  4. 7. Wireless signals that connect your device to the broadband router.
  5. 9. A box that Wifi comes from
  6. 11. A vast international collection of websites, email and social media sites
  7. 12. The square button on the bottom of the screen
  1. 1. When you turn on and unlock your phone, the screen you see with your contacts and phone button
  2. 4. Units that measure internet use
  3. 6. An app used to watch and upload videos
  4. 8. The circle button at the bottom of the screen
  5. 10. A transmission that connects the broadband router to the internet.