Lion's Roar Cassie Three
- 2. (easy) This government organ holds public meetings every Monday in the Stormwind Keep
- 8. (easy) This prolific troll tribe joined the Horde during Thrall's exodus from the Eastern Kingdoms
- 9. (medium) That which is east of the Eastern Kingdoms
- 10. (easy) This ogre was a prominent member of the Shadow Council
- 13. (easy) A loa also known as the God of Garbage
- 14. (medium) The second virtue of the Holy Light
- 15. (easy) A cultural event in Stormwind that horror fans enjoy particularly
- 17. (medium) The former name of the dragon aspect responsible for the Cataclysm
- 19. (easy) One of the cosmic forces, mostly associated with demons
- 20. (easy) The most well-known Night Elf Warden
- 22. (medium) This airship of the Alliance was destroyed at the Broken Shore
- 25. (easy) A popular newspaper
- 27. (easy) A region of Outland where mushrooms grow large enough to support entire villages
- 29. (easy) A great Mogu emperor also known as the Thunder King
- 1. (medium) A forsaken metal band playing at the Darkmoon Faire
- 3. (easy) This verdant landscape is taken care of by the Green Dragonflight and their druid allies
- 4. (hard) Stormwind's rat population hates this man
- 5. (easy) Borough of Stormwind City that connects directly to the embassy park
- 6. (medium) A denonym for people from Kul Tiras
- 7. (medium) A former warchief of the Horde that made a blood pact with a demon
- 11. (easy) This neutral trading port is surrounded by sand
- 12. (easy) A forsaken village in Tirisfal Glades
- 16. (medium) A race of spider demons
- 18. (easy) The naaru master of Shattrath City
- 21. (medium) The dwarven clan behind the best-selling beers in the Blue Recluse
- 23. (medium) A tribe of forest trolls living in the Hinterlands
- 24. (easy) A tower built upon a nexus of ley lines
- 26. (medium) An acient Arakkoa civilization from Draenor
- 28. (easy) This region in Kalimdor recently was attacked by forces of the Old Gods