Cassie's Crosswords: Winter Veil Edition

  1. 3. I got it this year for being naughty
  2. 5. A piece of clothing that gave the holiday it's name
  3. 7. Traditionally, you kiss when meeting underneath
  4. 8. This region is where the tradition of Winter Veil originated
  5. 9. This sweet is often given around this time of the year
  6. 10. He brings us gifts in this joyous time
  7. 12. This abominable yeti often tries to disrupt Winter Veil
  8. 14. The Alliance's most popular Winter Veil tree is placed here
  9. 15. He guides the sled in a popular poem
  10. 16. Many battles are fought with these terrible Winter Veil weapons
  1. 1. Wearing these around Winter Veil has become a tradition by now
  2. 2. Some people hang this next to their chimney
  3. 4. A favorite drink for the season
  4. 6. What awaits you under the Winter Veil tree
  5. 11. They pull the Winter Veil sled
  6. 13. Common snack eaten during Winter Veil