Griff's Nest Crossword 2

  1. 2. A questionnaire filled out before Valentine’s day to find one’s perfect match.
  2. 5. Navigational device; also the name of Translink’s transit card system.
  3. 8. Name of the student-led drama productions that normally occur in fall and spring.
  4. 12. The name given to Grade 8 students who are excellent typists in Mr. Albrecht’s class.
  5. 14. This being shoots golden arrows into the hearts of humans. Resultantly, the victim falls deeply in love.
  6. 15. 70s group whose song, Dreams, entered the Billboard Top Ten streaming songs chart in October.
  7. 17. This building located on Granville Island is a wonderland of childrens’ toys and games.
  8. 18. Singer of Good Days (2020), released the popular album Ctrl in 2017
  1. 1. This word has two meanings: 1. the skin of an animal; 2. to conceal.
  2. 3. Author of The Handmaid’s Tale
  3. 4. Name of the Microsoft Team where school-wide announcements are posted
  4. 5. Seven-letter word meaning to produce or to write
  5. 6. Because of this school malfunction, students at Eric Hamber took two days off on December 16th and 17th.
  6. 7. Upon entering high school math, students are advised to purchase a __________ calculator in order to perform more complicated calculations.
  7. 9. Donald Trump was banned from this social media platform.
  8. 10. The number of minutes students are to run during the timed P.E. assessment.
  9. 11. This colourful demonstration against bullying occurs annually on February 24th.
  10. 13. The Lunar New Year on February 12, 2021 signifies the year of this animal.
  11. 16. American rapper popular in the 2000s whose stage name also means crazy; absurd.