Sports Psychology: Assignment 1

  1. 3. Direction and intensity of one's efforts
  2. 4. Resultant or Behavioral ________; prediction of behavior derived from observations of an individual's personal motivation factors in relation to situational factors
  3. 7. "a disposition to strive for satisfaction when making comparisons to some standard of excellence in the presence of evaluative others."
  4. 9. Learned ____________; an acquired mindset that dismisses ideas of improvement being possible
  5. 13. ____ Orientation; viewpoint that success is based on how one improves through their efforts as their goal
  6. 14. _________-centered, viewpoint that states that environmental context influences motivation
  7. 16. viewpoint that states that personal and situational factors influence motivation
  8. 18. "recognition of the need to do something to gain control"
  9. 19. Achievement ____ Theory; viewpoint that focuses on what the participant thinks it means to succeed or fail
  1. 1. ___________ Focus; one's ability can be improved over time
  2. 2. ___________ Motivation; "a person's orientation to strive for tasks, persist in the face of failure, and have pride in accomplishments."
  3. 5. ___________ Theory; viewpoint that focuses on how participants view certain factors towards their successes or failures
  4. 6. ____ Achievement Theory; interactional theory that considers personal and situation factors as predictors of behavior
  5. 8. _____-centered; viewpoint that states that personal characteristics influence motivation
  6. 10. ______ View; one's ability is fixed and unchanging
  7. 11. A factor one attributes success or failure that is either internal or external in origin
  8. 12. A factor one attributes success or failure that is either fairly permanent or unstable
  9. 15. _______ Orientation; viewpoint that success is based on the idea that a goal needs to be set and met
  10. 17. A factor one attributes success or failure that is either in one's ability to change or not