Natural Materials

  1. 2. (verb) to separate fibres from each other so you have one strand or thread
  2. 4. (verb, past tense) to try to find something that you really want
  3. 7. (adjective) as much as is needed / enough
  4. 10. (adjective) something which has not been cooked
  5. 11. (adjective) not very much of something / rare
  6. 13. (noun) a cover that the young of some insects such as butterflies and moths make when they start changing to their adult form
  1. 1. (verb) to grow or be very successful
  2. 3. (verb) to decay or become rotten
  3. 4. (adjective) made from artificial materials or substances, not natural ones
  4. 5. (noun) th skin of an animal such as a cow which is used for making leather
  5. 6. (noun) the soft hair that covers the bodies of some animals
  6. 8. (noun) the process by which enough water is brought to a piece of land through a series of pipes to help crops grow
  7. 9. (verb) to change the colour of something such as material by using a substance
  8. 11. (verb) to twist fibres of a material such as cotton into a thread
  9. 12. (noun) a plant grown, usually for food, on a farm