Early Middle Ages Review

  1. 2. When kings became weak, nobles gained the power to enforce the __________ on their lands.
  2. 5. Monasteries were built all over _____________________.
  3. 6. The Danish King who brought peace and prosperity to England.
  4. 8. In Europe at the beginning of the Middle Ages, Christianity was common in places that had been part of the __________________________________.
  5. 10. One of the reasons that the Vikings left Scandinavia was that the villages had become _____________________________.
  6. 11. ________________________ converted the Irish to Christianity.
  7. 13. Few people ever tried to change feudal society's arrangements or their own way of life because they believed that ___________ wanted people to live that way.
  8. 14. Feudalism was based on loyalty between kings and ____________________________.
  9. 17. One group that was important in spreading Christianity throughout Europe.
  10. 18. One of the reasons that the Vikings left Scandinavia was ___________ shortages.
  11. 21. Another group that was important in spreading Christianity throughout Europe.
  12. 22. Strict rules established in monasteries.
  13. 23. One of the reasons that the Vikings left Scandinavia was that there was too much ___________________ between kings.
  1. 1. The main reason why the Viking settlements in Vinland were unsuccessful was because of the frequent attacks by the __________________________________.
  2. 3. When kings became weak, nobles gained the power to raise ________________.
  3. 4. the most important duty that a vassal owed to his lord was to help the lord in _______________________.
  4. 6. The main goal of missionaries was to spread ___________________.
  5. 7. The most important thing that peasants needed from nobles.
  6. 9. Charlemagne was crowned ______________________ of the Romans.
  7. 11. Monks served as _______________ to rulers.
  8. 12. Normandy is located in ______________________________________________.
  9. 15. When kings became weak, nobles gained the power to _____________________ the laws on their lands.
  10. 16. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Europe was divided into small ____________________.
  11. 19. The only part of Scandinavia that was well suited for farming.
  12. 20. The Norwegian Vikings set up permanent colonies in Iceland and ___________________________.