Plate tectonics

  1. 3. Transfer of energy through an empty space
  2. 5. Vibrations that travel through the earth
  3. 6. Movement of fluid that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another
  4. 9. Layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core
  5. 10. Plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  6. 14. Where tectonic plates move towards each other
  7. 15. Movement of heat from a hot object to a cooler object
  8. 16. Earths outermost layer
  9. 18. break in earths crust
  10. 19. Soft layer of the mantle
  1. 1. Transfer of heat through direct contact
  2. 2. Layer of hot solid material between the earths crust and core
  3. 4. German scientists who was curios about the relationships of continents
  4. 6. Dense ball of metal
  5. 7. Instrument used to detect and record seismic waves
  6. 8. Theory that earth continents move over time
  7. 11. how much mass is contained in a given volume
  8. 12. Deep valley that forms when two plates move away from each other
  9. 13. Rocky outer part of earth
  10. 17. Name of continent that broke off 200 million years ago