Simple & Complex Machines

  1. 2. A single fixed pulley only offers this kind of advantage
  2. 8. are responsible for for allowing a driver to apply a large or small force to move objects slowly or quickly.
  3. 10. directional transfer of motion in an eggbeater (3 words).
  4. 12. the smaller self-contained system in a complex machine.
  5. 14. this component transfers your energy from the pedals to the wheel on a bicycle.
  6. 16. transmissions and this both transfer force in a system.
  7. 17. Romans used these to move water inland to their cities.
  8. 19. Humans and ____________ were used as a source of energy in early machines.
  9. 22. the gear where the force is directed is called the ______________ gear.
  10. 23. a single fixed pulley requires _________ the force of a single moveable pulley.
  11. 26. gaining force requires you lose an advantage on the _______________.
  1. 1. this tool is a simple machine that multiplies force.
  2. 3. Archimedes based his design off this type of simple machine.
  3. 4. multiple simple machines working together for one purpose are considered to be a ______.
  4. 5. this early bicycle only used levers and wheel and axels.
  5. 6. the gear that supplies the energy is called the _____________ gear.
  6. 7. Having the fulcrum next to the _______ will provide the greatest mechanical advantage.
  7. 9. the pivot point on a lever
  8. 11. a level system where the fulcrum is in between the load and the effort is this class.
  9. 13. a larger gear turning a smaller is a ___________________ gear.
  10. 15. a hammer is this type of simple machine.
  11. 18. Persian wheel (other term).
  12. 20. this common compound simple machine uses levers and wedges.
  13. 21. where is the fulcrum of a diving board?
  14. 24. motion, Screws function by converting rotational motion into this.
  15. 25. a simple machine used to increase the force of moving an object.