Celtic mythology
- 3. Weapon used against Ferdia
- 6. Humans came from the __ of the great tree
- 8. Race (and cycle) Fionn belonged to
- 10. Niall's mother and a servant at his father's house
- 12. Jealous wife that turned a girl into a butterfly
- 14. To maintain his honor Cu Chulainn died __
- 18. Creature Aoife was turned into as punishment
- 19. Mongan killed his __ as revenge when he returned from Tir na Nog
- 20. Niall earns the rights to kingship after he refused to share the __ with his half-brothers
- 23. Cu Chulainn grew weak after eating meat of a __
- 25. Donn and Danu's children were being __ between them, so Donn was killed
- 28. Woman Midir fell in love with
- 30. The goddess, __, sat on Cu Chulainn's shoulder to prove he was truly dead
- 31. Monstrous ability Cu Chulainn has during battle
- 32. Eochaid's wife who is jealous of Niall
- 1. Mongan traded his wife for some __ and had to result to trickery to get her back
- 2. Queen that coerced Ferdia into fighting
- 4. Assistants to druids that are in charge of sacrifices and prophecy
- 5. Donn became an __ after dying
- 7. Fionn was prophesized to die in __
- 9. Item that is prophesized to kill Mongan
- 11. Woman Fionn wanted to marry
- 13. Mongan's true father
- 15. Fionn at the salmon of __ to gain the power of foresight
- 16. 'Tribe' (and cycle) Cu Chulainn was part of
- 17. Both Fuanmach and Aoife's __ caused them to do harm to people their husbands loved
- 21. Donn became ruler of the __
- 22. Jealous wife that turned children into swans
- 24. Man with a "love spot" that runs away with Grainne
- 26. Mongfind tries various tricks to force Eochaid to name her son as __
- 27. Dog Cu Chulainn killed to earn his name
- 29. Cu Chulainn's friend he fought in battle
- 33. Celtic 'priests' in charge of religious rituals