
  1. 6. In here is the Suez Canal
  2. 7. In here ids found the Lake Buenos Aires.
  3. 9. In here is found the Barney Castle and the Blarney Stone
  4. 11. Is one of the biggest countries in South America.
  5. 12. In here you can Find Jerusalem,
  6. 13. His capital is Ottawa.
  7. 14. For many years the country would be part of the Holy Roman Empire.
  1. 1. In here is found the Berlin Wall.
  2. 2. Great_________
  3. 3. slightly larger than Texas
  4. 4. In here is the National Museum of Vietnamese History
  5. 5. His capital is BANGKOK
  6. 8. They eat Chile in here.
  7. 10. In here is found the Minaret of Pakistan
  8. 11. The southern part of _____ continued to act more Roman and spoke Latin.