brodys word cross

  1. 3. a wireless communications technology intended to replace cables. It allows short-range connections between two or more compatible devices such as mobile phones, tablets, headsets or medical equipment.
  2. 5. is a barrier that acts as a security system to protect trusted computer systems and networks from outside connections and untrusted networks, such as the Internet.
  3. 7. part of a string
  4. 9. the alphabet
  1. 1. page that an Internet browser first opens up to. It is usually the starting point of an organisation's or individual's website.
  2. 2. is the method by which users access and save or "pull down" software or other files to their own computers from a remote computer via the Internet.
  3. 4. to the maximum amount of data that can travel a communications path in a given
  4. 6. your wifi addresscomputer a machine that uses electronics to input, process and then output data
  5. 8. page
  6. 10. a microprocessor that performs many functions and calculations that make your computer run