Environmental Science

  1. 2. takes care of our teeth
  2. 3. shows us all the people in our family
  3. 5. the are around our home is called
  4. 7. is round in shape and has water, land and air
  5. 8. makes furniture for people
  6. 9. your Dad's sister is your
  7. 12. watermelon in what kind of plant
  8. 13. early people used animal _____ to cover their bodies
  9. 14. if your house kitchen sink is blocked you will have to call a
  10. 15. a large area of salty water that is close to land and is connected to ocean
  11. 16. your mother's brother will be your
  12. 19. your aunt's son is your
  13. 21. large body of salty water that covers most of the surface of Earth
  14. 25. is a place with many shops
  15. 30. all fruits and vegetables save us from diseases, thus they are called _____ food
  16. 31. are hot and dry and are covered in sand
  17. 32. part of plant that grows above the ground and carries water
  18. 33. early people lived in
  19. 35. this room has blackboard, tables, chairs
  20. 38. grows in lakes and ponds and is our National Flower
  21. 39. foods like milk, pulses, meat, eggs that help our body grow strong
  22. 41. Capital of India
  23. 42. a very big room where there are many books
  24. 44. your mother's son will be your
  25. 48. help us to see, smell, taste, hear and feel
  26. 51. makes our spectacles and lenses for people
  27. 53. when we want to reac a distant place quickly we travel by
  28. 54. when we have the same weather for a long period of time and that repeats every year is called
  29. 55. people related to you are your
  30. 56. colourful part of a plant
  31. 57. rice, wheat, barley, millets are all
  32. 58. this part is below the ground and holds the plant
  33. 59. plant that grows in deserts and needs scant water
  34. 60. large areas of flat land with few tress
  35. 61. conditions such as windy, cloudy, rainy, that descrive a day's temperature is called
  1. 1. black & white stripes on the road near every traffic signal
  2. 4. cows, dogs, hens, sheeps, goats, ducks are called _____ animals
  3. 6. pumpkin is a _____ plant
  4. 9. if someone has an accident on road, we immediately call an
  5. 10. a very big luxurious and comfortable ship that people sail to travel to other countries
  6. 11. a large pool of water surrounded by land around it
  7. 15. your father's daughter will be your
  8. 17. small family of children & parents
  9. 18. your mother and father are your
  10. 20. your mother/father's father
  11. 22. this place keep us safe from heat, rain, animals, robbers etc
  12. 23. money plant is what kind of plant
  13. 24. big plants that are thick and strong
  14. 25. your father's wife is your
  15. 26. you go there when you are sick
  16. 27. are home to birds and some animals
  17. 28. part of the plant that makes its food
  18. 29. a piece of land surrounded by water
  19. 34. mends shoes and slippers
  20. 36. an enormous room built to hear and watch plays and performances
  21. 37. grains, potatoes, bread, sugar, oil, butter give us
  22. 40. brain, lungs, kidneys, liver...are called
  23. 43. all kinds of dals are called
  24. 45. a big family with children, parents, grandparents,uncles,aunts, and their children
  25. 46. small plants with thin and soft stems
  26. 47. a place where you would go Buy books
  27. 49. small plants with woody and hard stems
  28. 50. bicycles, cars, bikes, trains, buses, boats, aeroplanes, ships are different means of
  29. 52. if there is a theft, we call a
  30. 56. different kinds of ____ give us energy, strength & protection from diseases