Ezekiel Crossword

  1. 4. The Lord explained to Ezekiel that the bones represented the whole ____________ of Israel in verse 37:11
  2. 6. God says he will bring them to what land in verse 37:12
  3. 7. The Lord asked Ezekiel if the bones could do this in verse 37:3
  4. 9. Ezekiel referred to God as O Lord what in verse 37:3
  5. 11. What did the Lord God say unto the bones, "Behold I will cause ______________ to enter into you, and ye shall live" in verse 37:5
  6. 12. the Spirit of the Lord set Ezekiel in the middle of what in verse 37:1?
  1. 1. The Lord said come from the four what in verse 37:9?
  2. 2. So i prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great what in verse 37:10
  3. 3. "and He said unto me, son of man, can these bones live? and I answered, O Lord God, thou what in verse 37:3?
  4. 5. God puts what in his people in verse 37:14
  5. 8. What was the valley full of in verse 37:1
  6. 10. There was a noise, and behold a what?" in verse 37:7
  7. 13. and i will lay sinews upon what? in verse 37:6