  1. 1. it holds all the components of the computer
  2. 3. Separate monitor, keyboard, case, mouse
  3. 4. User may need to carry an adapter
  4. 5. Requires the user to enter commands
  5. 7. An interface built around graphics
  6. 8. Areas for displaying information
  7. 9. Used to give out sound
  8. 11. very large and expensive and are capable of supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of users at the same time
  9. 14. A phone with an in-built computer, Small enough to fit in a pocket
  10. 16. Information is deleted when the computer is turned off
  11. 17. Small images used to represent folders/files
  1. 2. a software program that manages computer resources.
  2. 6. Small portable computer, Very lightweight and portable
  3. 10. Used to point at objects on the computer
  4. 12. Mini computer worn on the wrist
  5. 13. The brain of the computer
  6. 15. Read only Memory