Jacob Villeneuve Assignment #1

  1. 4. The place _ button is where to access source components
  2. 9. Invalid marks should be _ out
  3. 10. "Writing the Laboratory Notebook” is written by Howard M. _
  4. 11. The ADK is equipped with a two-channel _
  5. 13. If the 2231A-30-3 is wired together in _ the channels can be combined
  6. 14. The 2231A-30-3 functions with three isolated _ channels
  7. 17. Pre-labs serve as _ for the full length lab report
  8. 18. Students are each assigned a _ when first entering the lab
  9. 21. Labs that are _ only contains seven out of the ten typically required sections
  10. 23. The AFG1062 is capable of high z load _
  11. 25. There is no _ in the lab
  12. 27. We don't solder using _ solder
  13. 29. When the 2231A-30-3 displays "CC" it is in constant _ mode
  14. 30. User defined _ are utilized in MATLAB programming
  15. 33. The MDO34 is capable of _ from 100 MHz to 1 GHz
  16. 34. The AFG1062 supports _ generators
  17. 35. Multisim is a piece of _ for simulating circuits
  18. 38. The 2231A-30-3 is equipped with _ protection (OTP)
  19. 39. To _ a project, the green play button is utilized
  20. 42. To get credit for lecture, students must respond to weekly _ entries
  21. 44. Attendance is _ in both lab and lecture
  22. 45. The end of each page should be _ and dated
  23. 46. Two _ are deducted each day after material due day
  24. 47. MATLAB can perform mathematical _ and run scripts
  1. 1. The MDO34 can perform _ domain measurements
  2. 2. _ can be defined in MATLAB without establishing a type
  3. 3. A form of the Analog Discovery is _ for the course
  4. 4. The MDO34 comes equipped with a _ analyzer
  5. 5. Double clicking allows for _ to be placed
  6. 6. Email _ must begin with the class name
  7. 7. The MDO34 has a _ display
  8. 8. The ADK connects to computers via _
  9. 12. Lab _ is required to conduct experiments during lab sessions
  10. 15. The notebook should only be written in with a _
  11. 16. The software the ADK uses is _
  12. 19. Quick _ can be input through the command line without creating a script
  13. 20. There are _ distinct sections of notebook keeping
  14. 22. The _ is practically an all-in-one benchtop kit
  15. 24. The MDO34 can use up to _ channels
  16. 26. In order to enter student ID and name onto a project, placing _ is required
  17. 28. To prevent accidentally late work, material should be submitted before the _
  18. 31. The AFG1062 operates up to _ volts peak to peak
  19. 32. The AFG1062 also utilizes a _ counter
  20. 36. Fires in the lab are never put out with _
  21. 37. The ADK power supply can output up to five _
  22. 40. Lab proficiency evaluations occur in the _
  23. 41. The AFG1062 supports up to _ channels
  24. 43. When entering the lab, students must _ in
  25. 46. MATLAB can effectively _ data from arrays
  26. 48. When the 2231A-30-3 is connected to a PC, it can accept various _