Politics and Governance

  1. 7. indicator of good governance
  2. 9. law-interpreting body
  3. 11. organizations composed of states coming together for a single common purpose
  4. 12. government; authorities
  5. 14. have two or three tiers of political hierarchy
  6. 16. social relations involving authority or power
  7. 18. "to steer"
  8. 19. small family group; 30 to 50 individuals
  9. 20. testing and verifying
  10. 22. people have no power; elite leaders handle the country
  11. 23. political or social authority control
  12. 25. country, state, or land
  13. 28. governed by a chief or elderlies
  14. 29. study of the history of every political reality
  15. 30. indicator of good governance
  1. 1. a body of fundamental principles or established precedents
  2. 2. the Senate and House of the representatives
  3. 3. elected head of the republic
  4. 4. measuring and quantifying of data
  5. 5. a supreme ruler, a monarch
  6. 6. Romans or British
  7. 8. law-enforcing body
  8. 10. citizens create and vote for laws
  9. 13. "gubernare"
  10. 15. a system or a group of people governing a community
  11. 17. concerned with the legal process
  12. 21. controlled by a king or queen
  13. 24. law-making body
  14. 26. apathy or antipathy towards all political affiliations
  15. 27. political science should not be separated from other social sciences