Anime maybe
- 2. My Blade Might Be a Scissor But It'll Still Cut You
- 8. No Senpai, This is OUR FIGHT
- 10. Naked Gigants
- 12. I'm the captain on this ship
- 13. 5Yen and My Service is Yours
- 15. Reverting Back to 17 Years Old and Being a High-Schooler Again
- 19. I'm all of this, Cat, Vampire and a Rook
- 21. The Spell I'm Using Is
- 23. Only Need a Glove or Pill to Remove the Soul
- 26. My Father's Name Was the Title so Mine Needs to be Too
- 28. Donated Heart Goes to
- 29. What is it with Bananas in Microwaves?
- 30. I can change my armor by will
- 33. My Phone Tells Me What You're Going To Do My Love
- 34. I might be Called Lightning Flash But My Husband is A Master Dual-Blade Sword Master
- 35. 7 Round Sphers Grants
- 1. I'm the Strongest man ever, its boring now
- 3. The Sister Will be Mine In The End, I Just Know It
- 4. We Live Together And Separate, But I Always Forget .... ....
- 5. I Keep Getting Cute Dresses So I Want To Do Work
- 6. I Only Have One Spell, Get Drained When Used. But Strongest in the Land.
- 7. Kills His Master in the Rain
- 9. I Can Make You do What Ever I Want With My Power, But Only Once
- 11. I Destroyed Your Moon, What Are You Going to do About it?
- 14. Makes Naruto and Sakura get the Bells
- 16. I Love to Push My Master's Cart where Ever it Leads, But the Princess is My Friend too.
- 17. Names = Heart Attack
- 18. The Best Sharpshooter in the Game!
- 20. I'm Lighter than Light but my name is the opposite
- 22. I Had Half of a Sword in Me and Now It's Whole
- 24. Surprising Eating Contest Winner
- 25. I have to say Goodbye to both my Girlfriend and Daughter
- 27. Don't Call Me Short, Do You Want A Fist In Your Mouth?
- 31. Demon Lord Grows up so Fast
- 32. My Mom and Dad are really good with Swords