U2 crossword

  1. 4. stole的动词原型
  2. 5. n.蠢人;傻瓜v.愚弄adj.愚蠢的
  3. 7. v.处罚;惩罚
  4. 8. n. 陌生人
  5. 11. ['ɡɒdes]
  6. 12. n.传统
  7. 14. ['mu:nkeɪk]
  1. 1. the spirit of a dead person that some people think they can feel or see in a place
  2. 2. He now treats everyone with kindness and w____.
  3. 3. [spred]
  4. 6. n.灯笼
  5. 9. n.款待;招待;v.招待;请(客)
  6. 10. no longer alive
  7. 13. [əd'maɪə(r)]