Hygiene Project #1
- 3. the clear tissue covering the front of the eye
- 6. a product designed to cover up body odor
- 8. the innermost layer of skin, which contains fat, blood vessels, and nerve endings; attaches to underlying bone and muscle
- 10. the tissue by which nerve impulses travel from the retina to the brain
- 12. the condition of having bad-smelling breath
- 14. small insects that attach to hair and feed on human blood
- 16. a chronic skin condition characterized by patches of red, itchy, dry, or swollen skin
- 19. a product that protects the skin by absorbing and scattering UV rays
- 22. a product designed to cover up body order
- 23. hair follicles underneath your skin that contain oil producing glands
- 24. a spiral tube in the inner ear that senses sound vibrations and transmits them to the auditory nerve
- 26. the part of the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound
- 28. an inflammation of the gums
- 29. a substance produced in the mouth, which contains enzymes that break down food
- 30. the area of your mouth that includes the lips, teeth, and tongue
- 1. a sticky, colorless substance formed by bacteria in the mouth; coats the teeth and slowly dissolves enamel
- 2. art permanent decorations that are applied to the body; examples include tattoos and piercings
- 4. a skin condition in which inflamed, clogged hair follicles cause pimples
- 5. the colored part of the eye that constricts and dilates the pupil
- 7. the outermost layer of skin, which protects the body from foreign substances and contains pigment-producing cells
- 9. a severe type of acne that requires medical treatment
- 11. holes in the teeth caused by plaque eating away at tooth enamel
- 13. the middle layer of skin, which contains hair follicles
- 15. the innnermost, light sensitive area of the eye, composed of photoreceptors that convert light into nerve impulses and electrical signals
- 17. dead skin that flakes off the scalp due to dryness, infrequent shampooing, or irritation
- 18. a clear part of the eye that focuses light on the retina
- 20. an invisible type of radiation that emanates from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps
- 21. an infection in which bacteria gets beneath the gums and destroys gum and bone
- 25. the black opening in the middle of the iris through which light passes
- 27. the units by which sound intensity, or loudness, is measured