Complete The Puzzle
- 1. to make a gift, grant, or contribution
- 7. SAHF supports local NGO's in El Salvador with this program
- 9. founder of SAHF.
- 10. Program to empower young men and women to work towards their goals
- 11. Organizations not established for the purpose of making a profit.
- 13. Program to help teach healthy nutrition and childhood development.
- 15. one of the reasons SAHF is so successful
- 2. contributions of money or goods to a tax-exempt organization are
- 3. Of necessity
- 4. SAHF helps the most vulnerable people of
- 5. SAHF'S monthly giving program
- 6. SAHF's program to work with in-kind partners delivering medicine, medical equipment, food, and much more.
- 8. program for helping El Salvador in times of natural and man-made disasters
- 12. something that is given to a charity
- 14. Give assistance to