
  1. 1. The _____Thanksgiving Day Parade began in 1924.
  2. 6. Sarah Josepha Hale convinced President to celebrate Thanksgiving through letters.
  3. 7. This state is at the top for turkey producing
  4. 11. Thanksgiving didn't become a national _____ until 200 years later.
  5. 12. This sport is traditionally watched on Thanksgiving day.
  6. 14. Baby turkeys are called _____.
  7. 16. The first Thanksgiving Meal took place in the ____ of 1621.
  8. 18. The original Thanksgiving Feast was eaten with spoons and knives, ______ weren't popular until the 18th century.
  9. 19. The Detroit______ always play on Thanksgiving
  10. 20. America's Favorite Pie.
  11. 22. Ben Franklin wanted this bird to be the national bird instead of the eagle.
  12. 24. The _____ ritual from the turkey is through to bring Good Luck.
  1. 2. The ____ Balloon has appeared more in the Annual Thanksgiving Parade than any other character
  2. 3. An estimated 50 million _____ pies are eaten each year.
  3. 4. The first Thanksgiving took place in
  4. 5. Only Male Turkeys ______
  5. 7. In 2011 736 _____ pounds of turkeys were consumed in the US
  6. 8. Celebrate Thanksgiving the second Monday in November
  7. 9. ______ Bells was originally a Thanksgiving Song
  8. 10. Thanksgiving is always held on the 4th ____ of November.
  9. 13. If a cranberry _______ you know it is ripe.
  10. 15. It is unlikely that the colonists or Native Americans ate ______ during the 1st Thanksgiving
  11. 17. There are four places in the US called _____
  12. 21. Each year the _____ Pardons a turkey.
  13. 23. The first Thanksgiving was held for _____ days.