week 7 circum, peri, intra

  1. 4. Existing within a galaxy.
  2. 8. existing within the perimeter of a state mainly the USA.
  3. 10. watching or spectating.
  4. 12. Being thought of or to have someone else thinking of you or you being in their minds.
  5. 13. A form of unnecessary roundabout form of exaggeration.
  6. 14. depending on different happens or outcomes.
  1. 1. The outside or border of a shape or object.
  2. 2. To draw a line a circle.
  3. 3. occurring with muscle.
  4. 5. The perimeter of a circular area.
  5. 6. A condition part or detail of a certain point of view.
  6. 7. can be a marine animal as well as a colour.
  7. 8. Relating to members of the same species.
  8. 9. A ____ of time.
  9. 11. Time increments or slots re occurring